Since 2018 marks the 25th anniversary of when the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers first aired on television in 1993 I thought I would write about someone near and dear to the series.
Jason David Frank is best known for portraying Tommy Oliver, a.k.a the green/white power rangers. In 1993 Jason David Frank originally auditioned for the role of Jason Scott a.k.a the red power ranger but lost the role to actor Austin St. John. He auditioned again later that year and was cast as Tommy Oliver. Jason David Frank was written off of the show in the middle of the second season with the storyline being that the green ranger had lost his green ranger powers for good. However the repercussions of that decision didn’t sit well with the fans, it had turned out that the character of Tommy Oliver was more popular than anyone thought and Jason David Frank was asked to come back to reprise his role as Tommy but this time as the white ranger. He stayed in the role of Tommy until 1997 when it was decided that the remaining actors from the original series had grown too old to continue on the show and were replaced with a younger cast. On August 28, 2018, which is the date of when the original show premiered in 1993, Jason David Frank and his original Mighty Morphin co-star Catherine Sutherland will be reprising their roles as Tommy Oliver and Katherine "Kat" Hillard for the 25th anniversary special.
When I was kid I used to dream of meeting a real life Power Ranger and 3 years ago that dream came true, in fact that dream came true times two, I got to meet both Jason David Frank and David Yost who played the original blue ranger when they came to Sacrament for the annual Wizard World Con. That was one of my favorite Comic Con experiences and I don’t think anything will top it!